We've Been Married For..

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Amber (roommates) Birthday

Us At PF Changs!

On December 4th Amber Martin turned 21! Woot! She is one of my beloved roommates. I love her, she makes this apartment so much better. Without her..we would probably not laugh as much. On her birthday we went to PF Changs and ate DELICIOUS food! Then we went to the playground by Orem Library and just played. With my luck I ran into a pole that gave me a headache for 3 days. Not a very fun thing. We all had a blast just playing. We were sad one of our roommates (katie) couldn't join us. Her soccer team had a big game. After we were done on the swings it was only 9. We headed over to Trafalga where me, Katheryn Elizabeth Baird, won them all in mini golf. Don't worry when I hit the ball, I have to tell everyone to move. ha ha, who knows where my ball will land. I was shocked I was the winner in the end. But that's not even the cool part...Last hole, the toilet seat, I made it! Which means I get a free game next time I go. Woot! Yay me! We had a blast. I just hope Amber had as much fun as I did.

1. Me being cute, ha ha that was a few seconds after I hit my head on the lame bar. 2. Valerie and I on the swings :) 3. Me and Birthday girl mini golfing it up.


Rosander said...

Happy Birthday Amber! I totally went to P.F. Changs last night:)

LyndiLou said...

FREAK!!! Sorry about your head... that does NOT sound good. I'm glad you had fun and ate yummy food! OH, and nice job winning AND getting a free game! Looks like fate wasn't ALL out to get you! ;)

McKenzie said...

I'm impressed you did so well mini golfing. I'm horrible, I normally end up cheating or it wouldn't ever go in.