We've Been Married For..

Monday, October 20, 2008

I Am So Blessed

I am blessed with the best family ever. My nieces and nephews are so fun, and this past week i had an opportunity to hang out with my nieces and nephews and had so much fun. My sister called me one night to babysit and I was really excited. I don't always get the chance to watch her kids anymore. Well my mom called me right after to tell me i had a letter from Micah. So i went to my house to pick up my letter and drove to my sisters house. When I enter the room where my nieces and nephews are i feel like a rock star. They all come to greet me, you can just feel the love from all those kids. Well my sister said her goodbyes and we had hot dogs. Kimball had 2 and Josie refused to eat one. That is until she saw everyone enjoying them, then she had me get one for her. We all just sat there talking, there were noises that were scaring Abby and Josie. They started talking about robbers and then Abby started talking about how we are all sisters and brothers that Heavenly Father is our Father. That her mother and father were really her sister and brother. Then she started talking about the Second Coming of the Savior, she was jumping up and down and said, "I can't wait till he comes down again, where he can save us and all the bad will be doomed." This was very touching to hear a 7 year old talk about the Second Coming and getting very excited. After our little talk of the Second Coming, they saw my letter from Micah and decided to write him. Don't worry the boys were in bed fast asleep. The girls were to scared because they just watch Ghostbusters and thought the noises were from Ghosts. Well while they were making these pretty pictures we had a scare. McKay from no where starts talking. Some motorcycle had driven by and woke him up.

The next day I went to Salt Lake with my sister Whitney and my mom. We got to play with miss Molly and we brought these crazy glasses. And had some way fun times with them. Every time I held my niece Stella, Molly would grab my available hand take me to someone and have me hand off Stella so I would play with her. We went down in the basement and played in her playroom.

I love little kids, especially my nieces and nephews. One of my most favorite memories had to do with my nieces and nephews was my Grandma Francoms Funeral. I was sitting between McKay and Abby. Yes, i was crying real good. Abby was a bit teary and McKay was a bit sad. McKay leaned over and put his arm around me, and said "Katheryn, it'll be okay." Wow, i was so glad to have McKay sitting by me, giving me comfort. I know this kid knows the Church is true. Every time he talks about it you feel it. My sisters are great mothers and married great husbands, and they have raised there kids to be these amazing Latter Day Saints. Love you all!!


McKenzie said...

Katheryn you are so awesome!! I don't know if you'll ever understand how much the kids love you. We all do!

Rosander said...

Oh! That is so kind of you! I only hope that I can do as good of job as McKenzie has. We feel very blessed to have such an awesome sister that takes such good care of our kids and just truly loves them. That is why they love you so much. All our Love. XOXOX

Ashley said...

What a cute blog. You are a super awesome aunt too, I can tell. Glad you got safely out of that scary place too. : )