To all my mother figures in my life...
She is a great example to all. She works with troubled teens and the young woman in her stake. She cracks me up. She is my boss and is great to work with. She will also be a great example to Micah and My's future family. I am very grateful to have her as a mother-in-law. I am very lucky! Love you!
My Grandma, Sarah Ann Baird. She is always smiling and meeting new friends. She is always excited to see me, even when she sees me everyday. We leave in my grandparents basement. She worries about us down here. Offers us a lot of stuff. We are very grateful to have them let us stay here. I love you Grandma.
My Grandma, LaRene Francom. She lived with my family for a bit. She would always let my sister and I have sleep overs at her house. We would always watch her favorite shows. She died my senior year of high school. But she was always there for me and I still feel her presence, I know that sounds weird. I love her.
One of my mother figures, my sister, McKenzie Baird Manning. She has always been there. She planned my wedding, she always babysat me and she is always there when I am in trouble. She is great. We love her and the way she planned our wedding. She is a great mother and is a great example to me. I love you Mack-a-doo!
Another mother figure, Lindsay Baird Rosander. She always listens to me. I can call her and talk and talk. She gives me great advice. She also is a great mother. She always is planning a girls day. And is so crafty. She comes up with all these fun things for her daughters. You should really check out her blog with all her fun things she makes. I love you Linds!
Another mother figure, Sierra Baird. She married my brother and is always looking out for me. She always asks how life is. Gives me a little input about things. Gives me great marriage advice and how to be patient. She is a great example. I am glad she is part of my family. She also is crafty and she also sells her own fabric you should check out her blog. ( Love you Sierra!
Another one, Cydne Suzanne Baird Evans. She is awesome. And is good at anything she puts her hands on, very artistic. She is great! We always have fun. She is my partner in crime, goes with me to bridal and baby showers. We have fun shopping right before to pick out the best present ever. We've always had fun; Cydne, Whitney and I went to Taco bell after midnight after all of us got home from eventful nights. Eat our tacos and talk about our night or an interesting stories. I love you Sinnifried!
That made me cry, a good cry. Thank you Kat.
You have so many amazing women in your life! You are truly blessed! I love your family!
Oh Katheryn!
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