We've Been Married For..

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Micah turned 22 YESTERDAY!
We had a fun day, no work, no worries, that means party party.
We went to a movie, I baked a cake (ya that's right), had wonderful bbq with ones we love, 
and we went to trafalga where we played mini golf and laser tagging. Which we rocked at!
Now lets share 22 things about Micah.
1. He has amazing blue eyes!
2. No matter his mood he always makes me smile. 
3. He like to get revenge. (his stories are hilarious)
4. He is a hard worker.
5. He has funny dance moves.
6. He is strong in the gospel.
7. Always makes sure we do our daily scripture study and prayer.
8. Watches old movies with me.
9. Sings with me in the car.
10. Lets me help him buy new clothes.
11. Loves to wash dishes and vacuum.
12. Loves to play games.
13. He loves to play laser tag. It is his favorite place to be.
14. Is a great back scratcher.
15. Makes sure everyone is happy and healthy.
16. Always makes me laugh.
17. Likes to copy what I say in a high pitch tone.
18. He loves to take care of animals, we might end up with a farm.
19. He is thoughtful and loving.
20. Loves to be warm instead of cold.
21. Loves to snack on chips.
22. He makes me very happy! :)
I love Micah. I am grateful I have him for eternity.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Calamity Jane

Yesterday I made Micah watch Calamity Jane with me. It is one of my all time favorite movies. 
It is about a woman who is more into what the men do. She dresses up like them, exaggerates on stories but is a total female. They say several times that she dresses like a man but she thinks like a female. There are several songs in this movie that I love. I told Micah I wouldn't mind the cd for my birthday or even a Doris Day Cd. 
Well after watching the movie last night it was fun to hear Micah break out singing the songs from the movie.
You have to understand I grew up on this movie. My family and I can quote this movie line by line. One of our favorite lines that just makes us laugh is, "to get danny"
I hope that when I have kids they will love this movie just as much as my sisters did when my mother introduced us to it.

"Woman's touch"
I love this song. It is a song of how woman make things nice, and Doris (calamity's) new look comes about. Sometimes I wish my woman touch was a little more nice than the one I have now. Still working on the make everything look nice. 
I know one day I'll get it down. 
And I hope its like my mothers. My mother has a very nice woman touch. One I wouldn't mind inheriting.

Monday, May 16, 2011

I Dyed My Hair

                    Before!                                  After!

I know I look glamorous...not. Don't judge.
You might not to be able to tell in the pictures. My hair is a lot darker.
I love it.
(you can't really tell in person, unless you see me everyday. maybe.)

Saturday, May 14, 2011


May 15
Terie Wiederhold, a.k.a my mother-in-law

1. She is strong in the gospel
2. Always watching out for us
3. Is strong, and nothing will break her down.
We love her!
Happy Birthday Terie!

Cows & Horses?

I had a funny experience yesterday at work.
I was sitting with a few of the girls (that stay home from school). When one of them asks if we bought cows while looking ousted. There was a cow eating some grass in the backyard of the program. We were all laughing really hard because the cow was really close to the goats, and the goats were freaking out. I called Terie (my mother-in-law and boss) to ask why there were cows, (at this point there was another one that showed up). She just laughed and said no, to chase them north. 
I sent out another employee and 2 teens to chase them out. When I hear them kind of yelling and freaking out. I ran out after to see 3 cows and 3 horses free. I called Terie again to ask for the number I report to. So as we were standing there and watching them and when the cows would come near, the teens would freak out. Luckily the people I reported to came fast. I didn't know that reporting such news meant I had to share all my information.
It was a very interesting eventful day.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

School Please Speed UP!

At work, I get to work during the school shift. This means anyone who stays home from school I get to watch. Lets not forget I work with TROUBLED teens. Well at the moment I have 3 girls that don't go to school... all interesting characters.... 2 weeks left of school.
I hope I survive them.
Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


 To all my mother figures in my life...

My mother, Bonnie Kay Francom Baird is the best mom in the whole wide world. She has been there for me in the good and bad times. She has given me great advice my whole life. Supports me. And such a great example to me and my future family. She is thousands of miles away from me. Serving a full time mission in Japan. Working hard for the Savior. I love my momma!
                     My mother-in-law, Terie Wiederhold.
She is a great example to all. She works with troubled teens and the young woman in her stake. She cracks me up. She is my boss and is great to work with. She will also be a great example to Micah and My's future family. I am very grateful to have her as a mother-in-law. I am very lucky! Love you!

 My Grandma, Sarah Ann Baird. She is always smiling and meeting new friends. She is always excited to see me, even when she sees me everyday. We leave in my grandparents basement. She worries about us down here. Offers us a lot of stuff. We are very grateful to have them let us stay here. I love you Grandma.

My Grandma, LaRene Francom. She lived with my family for a bit. She would always let my sister and I have sleep overs at her house. We would always watch her favorite shows. She died my senior year of high school. But she was always there for me and I still feel her presence, I know that sounds weird. I love her. 
 One of my mother figures, my sister, McKenzie Baird Manning. She has always been there. She planned my wedding, she always babysat me and she is always there when I am in trouble. She is great. We love her and the way she planned our wedding. She is a great mother and is a great example to me. I love you Mack-a-doo!
 Another mother figure, Lindsay Baird Rosander. She always listens to me. I can call her and talk and talk. She gives me great advice. She also is a great mother. She always is planning a girls day. And is so crafty. She comes up with all these fun things for her daughters. You should really check out her blog with all her fun things she makes. I love you Linds! 
Another mother figure, Sierra Baird. She married my brother and is always looking out for me. She always asks how life is. Gives me a little input about things. Gives me great marriage advice and how to be patient. She is a great example. I am glad she is part of my family. She also is crafty and she also sells her own fabric you should check out her blog. (http://sosamson.com/). Love you Sierra!

Another one, Cydne Suzanne Baird Evans. She is awesome. And is good at anything she puts her hands on, very artistic. She is great! We always have fun. She is my partner in crime, goes with me to bridal and baby showers. We have fun shopping right before to pick out the best present ever. We've always had fun; Cydne,  Whitney and I went to Taco bell after midnight after all of us got home from eventful nights. Eat our tacos and talk about our night or an interesting stories. I love you Sinnifried! 


Friday, May 6, 2011

That's Embarrassing...

Yesterday, Micah and I had a long day at work. Which included a runner who really hadn't even been in the program for more than a full 2 days. 
When we got home last night we were so tired, you get that way at the end of the week when you work Monday - Friday. So I climbed in bed not thinking I would fall asleep I was just cold. Micah joined, and soon we were snoozing off dreaming of life.
One hour later is when I woke up. I tried to find my phone to see the time. I couldn't find it. I shot up telling Micah "It's 7:30 we are late for work, we had to be there at 6:30". Micah started to ask questions like, "how did we sleep in so late?" I than proceeded with, "Micah we need to get up. They are leaving for school now. What are we going to do?". It hit Micah as he replied with something along the words as, "Katheryn it is still the same day". I was embarrassed. I don't know where I got the time. I had no phone. The first thing I saw when I woke up was the light coming through the window. That's when I knew I was late for work. I am hoping I don't have another experience like this one. I was so embarrassed.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


So I have inherited a new last name by marriage.
I never thought it was a hard one to pronounce.
We were going to a BYU ward and decided to switch to the family ward that we live in. 
Which is PV 5th ward, the ward I was born in a few houses from where I am living now. 
Today was our first real official day being in the ward.
They introduced us and the bishopric said our last name right, being that my in-laws are in the stake.
They even told the ward that we are related to the Wiederholds in the first ward and that I, Katheryn, was the Baird's daughter. Through the whole 3 hours I got "are you Bonnie and Scotts daughter?" "you were so little when you left this ward?" "How is your family?" "Your parents and sister okay in Japan?" "You probably don't remember us but you use to be in the ward? but we must all look familiar to you?" 
I was born in the 5th ward and left when I was age 2. No one looks familiar. If they look familiar it is because I lived in the 6th ward below them, and grew up with their children or they were my siblings friend.
But as we were introduced in sunday school and relief society and even when people would ask me in the hall what my last name was and try to say it, I never thought it was hard to say Wiederhold until today. All the different ways people say it is crazy. I guess this is something I'll have to get use to. 
But yes all day I was referred to Paul and Terie Wiederhold, Bonnie and Scott Baird and my grandparents Fred and Sarah Baird.