We've Been Married For..

Sunday, May 23, 2010

My VERY Random Thoughts...

Do you ever have those days where you think very random things?

I have these thoughts probably everyday. If you don't know my personality...I'm very random. We could be talking about something and I'll change the subject the next second. Just the way I am. I feel bad for the people I write letters to. I hope I am making sense in my letters and my blogs. Sometimes I'll just ask my grammar police which is Whitney (my little sister) she loves all the chances she can to correct me on my grammar.

Well let the random thoughts begin, if you don't think they've already started.

The other day I was at work thinking of cameras and video cameras. They capture so much. They capture...

happy times

sad times

hard times

embarrassing times

times you don't know what to call

your 6th grade graduation you had to speak at

the song you sang for your family

your silly faces

a face of a thief

possibly a murderer

they can capture everything..

Well my fellow bloggers. At work they have video cameras everywhere. I don't know exactly what is captured about me but I have a guess...

my silly/ugly faces

my annoyed face

my I don't know why I just told you that face

the face of when someone talks about Micah(this face is probably captured the most)

that one time I got attacked my a rooster (I believe they call him Raptor)

and the times after that attack and I see rooster (that face is probably priceless)

my blond moments

Oh deary they capture A LOT!!!

Talking about blond moments I have a good one that happened to me at work on Friday. I don't know if you will get a good kick out of it but I sure did. Where I work there are 2 houses I go between. I was coming back to one where I was asked to close the garage door. Thinking I am so smart I will just go through the opened garage and then I will close the garage. Instead of going inside unlocking the door and then closing the garage door. As I closed the garage door and noticed the door was locked, I knocked on the door. I heard all the kids telling the lady I was waiting for, that someone was knocking on the garage door. I heard her reply in this questionable voice Why would they do that? I heard her get closer and closer. And her still thinking out loud why is someone knocking on the door, I yelled through the door telling her the door was locked. She was laughing and telling me the lock was on my side. In order for her to unlock it for me she would have to use the key. I was so embarrassed as I opened the door welcomed by the kids who stayed home from school and this lady. I work in both garages everyday. I don't know how I didn't think of the lock being on my side. I have to unlock those doors all the time on the inside.

Sorry for my rambling, its a Sunday and what a good day for blogging. You don't have to read them all. You can select the one you want to read.

I have 3 months and a few days 'til my missionary gets back. I am so excited for the day where I can talk to him in real life and not letters. As much as I love letters, writing gets old very fast. But I do love the letters I receive. Ask my mom, she always sends me to the mailbox on the days I don't have work using bait like "Katheryn will you go get the mail? Maybe you have a letter today." It always gets my hopes up and letters don't come that often. He says he writes me once a week, you know on pdays. I'm glad he sticks to the rules. But it leaving one country and coming to another it takes forever and I get a bunch of Homeland Security tape on my letters.

I just saw the movie Letters to Juliet: it was such a great romance movie. I would go see it again and again. In ways it reminded me of Pride and Prejudice. In others it made me so excited to go to Japan. Seeing her travel, made me so excited to do that in a new area I've never been.

As I am writing this blog I am watching You've Got Mail, a remake of Shop Around the Corner. I love both movies. And I love Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. I wish they really got together in real life. I don't know if its because I love You've Got Mail that much or just the actor/actress.

I warned you that this would be a VERY random thoughts blog..

I leave for Japan on June 28th. My parents talk (as everyone in the LDS world would know it as Farewell) is on my bday. Last year my sister spoke the day after my birthday due to her return from her mission in Taiwan. So the day of my bday we got ready for her homecoming celebration. This year its just on my bday. I am glad I can share my bday with my parents. But I don't want to be completely forgotten. :) I am very excited to go to Japan next month.

Sorry for my random thoughts...

1 comment:

McKenzie said...

We wont forget you. I'll make sure mom AND dad mention you in their talks. ;D

Thanks for sharing your randomness. I loved that you were "locked out". how funny are you.