We've Been Married For..

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I have a funny some what of a story. Do you ever feel like the birds are tormenting you?
At work there is a walk way to the front door, where a bunch of BIRDS live right above it on a bunch of trees. A few weeks ago as I was walking with a Lady I worked with I asked her if she thought the birds aim their doo doo (my mother requested I used doo doo instead of poop) right on your head? She laughed. You have to understand my reasoning here. There are 'doo doo' spots all over the sidewalk. That would make all worried. Ever since then I get a little nervous a bird will aim right for my head. Well my family and friends. It has happened...a bird has 'doo dooed' but luckily on my car. It wasn't a small bird though.
On the other hand here are some awesome family pictures. Done by Lauren, you can find her blog site on my blog list on the right side. :) SHE IS AMAZING!!!!

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