We've Been Married For..

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saying 'Good-Bye'

Saying good-byes are a little hard for me. I hate thinking I might never see them again, they will have a life without me in it. I know these are probably not a good thing to think, but I do it. I am not going to lie, I cried over my good-byes. One friend has left to Japan. I believe he is going to teach English for a year and a half. I am a bit worried I will never see him and the fact he left my roommate who is in love with him. Just makes the story a little more tender to my heart.

I've moved home. Back to my old room, sharing with my sister for a bit. Free food, delicious. Spending time with just my mother. I've had fun just the first 2 days I've been home.

Although the good-bye saying is so hard for me, so much is coming my way. New ward, new friends, more adventures, old friends, family, sisters wedding, bridal showers for my sister, and so much more that I don't know is coming....how exciting. I can't live on the good-bye word. I got to live on the Hello word. :)


LyndiLou said...

Good-byes are hard... but the Hello's are AWESOME!!! :) You are a brave adventurous soul... life will treat you well! ;) Yay for your sister... have fun celebrating with her! Enjoy your time with your family... I know it's different, but it can be so wonderful too!

Val said...

You are so amazing! Way to look on the positive side! I am excited for all of the things coming your way. You will do great in life. You will go far and have great success!

A. L. Martin said...

I freaking miss you. Come Visit!!!