We've Been Married For..

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Battle!

Well I thought I would tell you a story that has been happening that blew up and how my Heavenly Father is watching out for me. 
The past few weeks some of the staff I work with and my self were being bullied by our head person of the girls program (not the in-laws). And one day a girl came to me and said things I felt I needed to report. As more came out on these two when I went and talked to the head people. It got uglier. I made a funny remark on facebook and I got chewed out through text. I was in awe that I was being treated so poorly with people I worked with. Not only at work but in my personal life. There would be days I'd just come home crying. I think the worst(besides yesterday) I had my music playing and the song "Be OK" started to play and the tears just rolled out. I've wanted to talk to my parents about how I was feeling. But on the flip side I didn't want them to worry about me. I don't like to add stress that way. Yesterday these 2 girls were just plainly rude to me. I couldn't stand it anymore. I just started to cry at work. I cried to the lady in charge of the hires and told her I can't stand them anymore. I should mention My mother-in-law and this lady have been by my side through it all. They called me and wanted to help me out. Well few hours later I got a text from my mother-in-law that they had quit and just walked out of work. I should mention working with troubled teens and them already having abandonment issues this was a bad call on her. She was the leader of the house and she just showed them she did not care about them. I got nasty texts they were so evil. Swear words, and them telling me I was the reason they quit it was all my fault. That I opened my mouth to the girls. Never did I do that. The girls came to me and told me things. And only 2 girls knew what was really going on. It just made me mad. And she went on and on about how all the staff hate me and I talk crap on all the staff I work with to the girls. Never have I done that. I love these girls and I love the staff I work with. I consider them my family. We are doing a hard job. I was trying so hard not to take it personal until the leader texted me. I didn't even finish her nasty texts. I just cried and couldn't stop. What were these two doing to me. I could fill there was a dark spirit with me. And it made me freak out more. I knelt on my knees and cried to my Heavenly Father to help me. That I needed a blessing. Micah was gone at this point helping with all the craziness at work. And I get this knock at the door. I couldn't tell what door it came from. If it was from inside to my grandparents home or outside and someone coming to get me. Low and behold my grandmother walks in. I could tell she was so sad to see me in that state. She asked if I wanted her to stay with me and have her watch TV with me. And then she said "You have 2 uncles upstairs and grandpa, Would you like a blessing?" My prayer was answered instantly. I couldn't stop crying with how I felt and that my sweet grandma came to me. I was a little scared that they all heard me crying upstairs. So I went up and there were my uncles. They hugged me and asked me what was wrong. I think I scared my cousin a little that was upstairs. And then they gave me a blessing and there it was in the blessing "There is a dark spirit that has made himself present to Katheryn, please let her know that what she did was the right thing. And that dark spirit will leave her body and her house." I just started to cry because I was so happy my uncles and grandpa were there and my grandma asking if I wanted a blessing. I found out that Micah had called and asked my grandma to go check on me. I'm grateful. Earlier I talked to McKenzie and she helped me so much. She helped me calm down when I told her of the pain I've been going through. And after the blessing Cydne called me. She let Micah and I come over and eat dinner and just come and talk. I hope everyone I work with and the girls, I hope we really can get through this. Because the poison is gone. 
Well there is my sob story. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Not a fan of snow. But I'll admit it is pretty. Oh and I love instagran. Has cool effects for pictures.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

House Sitting...

This Last weekend we house sat for some fun people who Micah and I just love.
They are Paul and Terie's best friends, and we love working with them.
They asked us to watch their house and their 2 awesome huge not tiny at all dogs.
Micah was jumping for joy! He couldn't handle himself.
We enjoyed ourselves with the dogs. They are awesome and love to play.
Micah and now informed me he would like a dog like one of these ones. 
Micah was in heaven.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


WHO: Lindsay Rosander
WHEN: January 18th

Taken a long time ago... 
Lindsay is awesome. She always asks how every one is doing. Always meeting new people. She is very good photography, you should check out her blog. She takes the cutest pictures of her children.
She is always happy and loves to drink Diet Coke. Is an awesome party thrower. She still puts me in AHH with her parties she throws. She is an excellent mother and a wonderful sister.
Isn't she so pretty? I have pretty sisters!

Monday, January 16, 2012


WHEN: Jan 11th
Her halloween outfit. She pulls it off very well.
SHE TURNED 21. I stole these pictures off of facebook from a member that has come so dear to Whitney. She has loved her mission and makes me so happy. But I truly miss my sister! She is my best friend. She listens to me and totally understands who I am. We've been through things together. Our bad choices and our good choices. We've been through thick and thin. Even miles and miles away she gives me such support. More than she probably knows.
She is such a happy and fun person. Introduced so many things to our family, like "Cynthia she's a really cool dancer." But when it comes to a crowd, Whitney is quiet and tends to shy off. Doesn't like attention at all. She is a great sister.


This picture shows Whitney's fun personality.

Monday, January 9, 2012


 There are many Birthday's this month. I'll just start with the 3 that have already happened.

Who: Josie Manning
When: Jan 5th
What does 8 mean for the culture/religion we live?
She got Baptised this last Saturday. What an awesome experience for her.
Events are a little emotional in my family with my parents being hundreds and hundred miles away.
But this little girl was a trooper, but I guess she isn't little anymore.

Taken May 2010
1. Josie is hilarious, My sister Whitney and I joke how she'll be the class clown.
2. She loves to play, and really anything. She will sit in her room and play with her dolls forever. Reminds me of my sister Whitney.
3. She never has a dull moment, I think of her as miss adventure queen. 

WHO: Serena Wiederhold
When: Jan 5th
She turned 14! 
1. Serena loves everything; Sports, Cooking, Crafts and playing the Cello.
2. She loves watching BYU sports, especially last year when it came to Jimmer Time.
3. She is good at Just Dance 3.

Brea, Micah and Serena

WHO: Brea Wiederhold
When: Jan 8th

1. Brea loves to play games and spend time with Family.
2. She is easy going and will do anything for her family. 
3. She is always nice.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012


On Sunday at the end of our Sacrament meeting the Sunday School President stood up to make an announcement. Part of his announcement was, " We want to thank all the teachers that helped us in the year 2010, and the ones who will help us in this new year 2011." The man behind us yells, "IT'S 2012!!!!"
Micah and I looked at each other and laughed. I love my ward.
Well as I reflect this past year it's been one busy one.
Most of my year includes work! :)
But I also had a lot of firsts. I never knew you could have so many firsts after living you know like 22 years. (haha)
Starting from the beginning of the year.
*Had to say good-bye to my sister/close friend for a year an a half.
*Got to go to the ER for the first time, when Micah cut his thumb with a knife(glad this one isn't frequent).
*Had a headache that lasted more than a week.
*Took muscle relaxers, that DID NOT work for me.
*Dyed my hair
*Had to call the cops on cows in the back yard at work.
*First mothers day with my mother in Japan.. :(
*First Fathers day with my father in Japan.. :(
*First birthday with out my parents (mother did come 2 days later)
*Went to girls camp as a leader...last second.
*Saw Lion King the musical in Las Vegas.
*Hit a car
*Made pottery and glass blowing (all recommended activities, if you do not stress out easily)
*Went on Vacation with the in-laws, which included fishing
*Ice fishing
*Actually made a homemade present!
* Living the wifely duties, that was very new.

Like I said lots of new firsts!
Now some things that happened this year!

*Everything up top
*Tsunami hit Japan! My parents were there to fill their effects and helped their kids not freak out at home.
*Gained 2 new nieces; Nora (Lindsay) & Lydia (Crystal)
*My mom came to town and played with us, but also got medical things taken care of. 
*Got stuck in a 2 man tent with a queen blow up mattress. (SQUISHED)
*Got promoted
*Went to Japan! :) :) :)
*Many more embarrassing moments.
* Got a car
*Got Iphones (which is recommend if you have stupid phones you can't handle...like we did)

I can't wait to see what 2012 brings!
We brought ours in spending time with both families!

Peace, love and happiness!