We've Been Married For..

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Our Addictions

We all have our addictions,
these are the addictions Micah and I share.
Sub Sandwiches:
We like to buy all of our favorite veggies and meat, and make them at home.
We have this for dinner frequently.

Fresh Prince of Bel Air:
We have finished many season lately of this show. No joke. We don't get a lot of good channels on our TV, so we watch this show and just laugh hysterically.

THIS IS OUR 2nd TO FAVORITE ADDICTION. We have strawberries with every meal.
Especially since they are cheap these days. :) Micah calls strawberries my weakness.
So if you want to be my bestest friend just cut up some strawberries and pass them to me.

THIS IS OUR FAVORITE! We have the movie the soundtrack, we're always quoting it and singing the songs. Makes me so happy my husband loves this movie to. I bet this movie is a lot of people's addiction right now. :) Am I right?

What are your favorite addictions? Please share. :)
Now I must go we are starting Tangled soon....(and eating some strawberries)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Y'all are so cute and funny , you have great addications !!!!!! This is the first time I have seen your blog and it fun and wonderful, I am learnig a lot about you and I like it --love the wallpaper too !!! Love ya,Aunt julie