We've Been Married For..

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Here is a post about a few of my embarrassing moments or not so fun moments.... I don't know if you are ready for these...
1. One morning I was eating cereal for breakfast waiting for Micah to go to work. I have these paper bowls because I don't really have real bowls. As I was finishing off my cereal by drinking the milk out of my whimsy bowl the milk ended up ALL over me.
2. Toothless (the bunny that Micah and I own) has relieved her bladder on me not once but twice. The first time it was lucky it was on the towel I had for her, the second time it was all over.
3. One day I cleaned out the bath to take a bath (I don't have a shower curtain) well it wouldn't drain. Made me upset I really wanted to feel clean. I kept telling Micah I needed some draino to fix the clogging. When Micah helped me he gave me time limit before I could use the bath. I realized none of the gel stuff really went down. Thinking "wow this is a really bad clog" I called Micah to help me. He came over quick (thank goodness) and he was looking at it... he than told me that it was clogged because the drain part was up to keep the water in.

1 comment:

*liSa* said...

OH my goodness Katheryn that last one is hilarious!!!!! I started laughing pretty hard!