We've Been Married For..

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


WHEN: August 16th (I'm a little Late)
This picture was taken at my wedding. Knowing their personalities,
I think they saw the camera and planned it...
1. Annie is funny, she has a fun personality and is always laughing.
2. She makes good desserts.
3. Is strong in the gospel.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE WIEDERHOLD (bet you didn't think of that last name when you thought in elementary who you were going to marry), WE LOVE YOU!!!! & MISS YOU!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Wow! Having my own post makes me feel like a celebrity! I have no memory of the picture being taken, but I very well may have avoided it on purpose because I'm afraid of cameras and am extremely un-photogenic. Thanks for the birthday wishes. :) I hope you had an awesome time in Vegas! I want to hear all about The Lion King.